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A User Interface is Like a Joke. If You Have to Explain It, It’s Not That Good



Sep 26 2024

We’ve all experienced it – that moment of frustration when a website or app isn’t as straightforward as it should be. You’re searching for a button that’s hidden or trying to figure out what an obscure icon means. In an ideal world, using an interface would be effortless. But when a design is overly complicated or unclear, it can lead to confusion and frustration.

The Importance of Intuitive Design

User interfaces (UIs) are meant to be the bridge between a user and a system. A good design makes that interaction seamless. If users have to pause to figure out how to complete a task, then the design is failing its primary purpose.

Think about some of the most successful apps and platforms you use. Chances are, they don’t require much thought to navigate. You instinctively know what to do. That’s the power of intuitive design – users should feel guided, without the need for excessive instructions.

Simplicity as a Guiding Principle

The key to a strong UI is simplicity. This doesn’t mean stripping down a design to the point of being bland. Rather, it’s about removing unnecessary complexity and focusing on the user’s needs. Whether it’s a website or an app, users should be able to accomplish their goals without jumping through hoops.

Take platforms like Google or Spotify, for example. Their interfaces are clean and purposeful. Every action a user takes is clear, with minimal effort required to achieve their objective. This keeps users engaged and coming back because the experience feels natural.

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The Downside of Over-Complication

On the other hand, there are plenty of UIs that miss the mark. They might be visually overwhelming, require too many steps to complete a task, or hide important features behind layers of menus. The result? Users get frustrated and abandon the app or site altogether.

When a UI becomes too complex, it requires more explanation – which is exactly what you want to avoid. A good design should be self-explanatory. If users need to consult help guides or FAQs for simple actions, the interface isn’t doing its job effectively.

Why Speed Matters

In today’s fast-paced world, users expect quick and easy access to what they’re looking for. With an attention span that’s only getting shorter, a complicated UI will lose people in seconds. This is why it’s essential to design interfaces that get users where they need to go, fast.

Tips for Creating an Effective UI

Here are a few tips for designing a UI that works:

  1. Clarity Above All: Buttons, icons, and navigation should be clear and understandable. Avoid ambiguous symbols or actions that leave users guessing.
  2. Minimise Steps: Don’t make users go through unnecessary steps to complete a task. Streamline processes wherever possible.
  3. Consistency is Key: Keep your design elements consistent throughout the interface. Users should know what to expect when they interact with different sections of your app or site.
  4. Test, Test, Test: What seems intuitive to a designer might not be so obvious to a user. Conduct usability testing to get real-world feedback and make adjustments accordingly.


In the end, a well-designed UI doesn’t need much explanation. It allows users to complete tasks without confusion or unnecessary delays. When an interface is intuitive, it provides a smooth experience that keeps users engaged and satisfied. So, when you’re working on your next project, remember: if you have to explain it, it’s probably not as good as it could be.

At MCD we want every project we work on to be a success. Our user interface design doesn't need any explaining but instead enables users to effortlessly focus on the task in hand. You can check out our specific user experience service as well our work here and of course feel free to contact us to discuss how we may be able to help.